Insurance Business

Insurance companies have in recent times evolved to not only providing insurance products but to also act as tools for tax planning and tax optimisation. This has been aided by the existence of various types of insurance licenses, from full international license, limited licenses, and underwriter or insurance broker licenses to captive insurance license.

  • General Unrestricted Insurance License – this is a full international offshore insurance license, which usually does not have any restriction of activities, which means that on the basis of this license it is possible to insure, secure insurance or reinsure without limitation, including providing life policies or policies for other insurance companies from offshore or onshore jurisdictions.
  • Restricted Insurance License – this is a full international insurance license which, however, has specific restrictions, such as an upper limit for the maximum amount of insurance policies, not providing life policies, foreign exchange restrictions, etc.
  • Re-Insurance License – this is a company, which itself cannot insure but which can only accept an insurance policy and subsequently secure it at another commercial onshore or offshore insurance company, often at a wholesale price. A re-insurance company is an extremely excellent tool for tax planning intended de facto for any business, consulting or investment company.

Various jurisdictions also provide different liberal regulatory environments and legislation systems for insurance businesses. Every jurisdiction has its own laws and classes of individual licenses. We facilitate multi-jurisdictional licensing and structuring of various insurance businesses.


+248 252 5217

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