Switzerland Securities Dealer License

The Stock Exchange Act (SESTA) states that a licence is required for various forms of securities trading – including securities dealers trading in securities under their own name for the account of clients where the securities dealer maintains cash or custody accounts itself or with a third party for such clients (client dealers). Securities dealers are companies and individuals that professionally trade in securities in their own name and for their own account on a short-term basis, buy and sell securities on the secondary market for the account of third parties, offer them to the public on the primary market or create their own derivatives and offer them to the public.

Switzerland Securities Dealer License Key Features

  1. Effective separation of internal functions – in particular trading, asset management and Settlement;
  2. Appropriate recording, limitation and monitoring of market, credit, default, settlement, image, reputation, operational and legal risks;
  3. Effective internal control system, internal audit function independent of executive management;
  4. Appointment of a recognized audit firm for the licensing process;
  5. Appointment of a recognized regulatory audit firm for ongoing supervision;
  6. Applicants under foreign control must guarantee reciprocal rights on the part of the countries where qualified participants are domiciled;
  7. If the securities dealer is part of a financial group, it must be subject to adequate consolidated supervision by a recognized supervisory authority.
  8. Fully paid-up minimum capital of CHF 1.5 million;

Switzerland Securities Dealer License Legal Requirements

Switzerland Banking Licence Description
  • Corporate  vehicle permitted
Switzerland Company
  • Local physical office required
Share capital or equivalent
  • Minimum paid up capital
CHF 1.5 million
  • Minimum number
  • Corporate directorship allowed
  • Local director required
  • Minimum number
  • Corporate shareholders allowed
  • Local  shareholders required
Service Providers Required
  • Company Secretary

 Switzerland Securities Dealer License Tax Treatment

  • Corporate income tax rate (federal) 8.5% (7.83% effective).
  • Capital gains tax rate (federal) 0%/8.5% (7.83% effective)

Switzerland Securities Dealer License Duration to Set Up

6 Months

Switzerland Securities Dealer License Distinctive Benefits

  • Effective internal control system, internal audit function independent of executive management
  • Favorable corporate taxes
  • Applicants under foreign control must guarantee reciprocal rights on the part of the countries where qualified participants are domiciled

Why US (Key Strengths)

  1. We will advise you on the optimal legal structure for your requirements, size, expectations and circumstances.
  2. Valsen will assist to complete every form for each process in the best way we know how (Based on our many years’ experience with various regulators and service providers across the world)
  3. We are very hands on in the post filing period checking with re regulator and service providers and updating you regularly.
  4. Any queries raised by the regulators and service providers during processing will be quickly synthesized by us and we shall craft the right responses to move the process forward fast.
  5. We have a full in-house compliance support for all compliance requirements with the regulator and service providers


+248 252 5217

