Jersey Private Fund

The JPF regime provides a new streamlined fast-track regulatory authorisation process for the establishment of private investment funds as well as providing certainty in respect of the eligibility conditions through the introduction of a new Jersey Private Fund (JPF) Guide.

Key Features of a JPF

  • A JPF may only be offered to Professional or Eligible Investors (see below).
  • The JFSC’s published timescale for authorising a JPF is 48 hours from receipt by the JFSC of a complete application.
  • Fund interests may be offered to not more than 50 potential investors in Jersey or elsewhere. Please see below for a summary of the test for the number of offers/investors.
  • A JPF can be established using any of the common forms of investment vehicle, including a non-Jersey vehicle, and no investment or borrowing restrictions are set by the JFSC.
  • A JPF can be closed or open ended provided that the test for the 50 or fewer offers/investors is met.
  • A JPF must not be listed
  • Whilst there is no absolute requirement for:
    • a JPF which is a company, to have any Jersey resident directors; or
    • a JPF which is a unit trust or partnership, to have a Jersey resident trustee or general partner, or Jersey resident directors of the trustee or general partner,

at least one Jersey resident director would normally be required.

  • A JPF is not required to have an offer document (but see immediately below).
  • A JPF which will be marketed into the EEA must comply with the applicable sections of the AIF Code and may require an offer document.
  • Unless required by its constitutional documents, there is no need to produce audited accounts of a JPF.

Legal Requirements




  • Corporate  vehicle permitted

Jersey Company, Limited Partnership, Unit trust

  • Local physical office required


Share capital or equivalent

·         Minimum paid up capital

USD 250,000 (Eligible Investors)

·         Minimum investors

Maximum of 50


  • Minimum number


  • Corporate directorship allowed


  • Local director required


Service Providers Required

  • Custodian


  • Fund manager/Investment manager


  • Fund administrator


  • Auditors


 Tax Treatment

Non-resident income is tax exempt.

Duration to Set Up

3 months

Distinctive Benefits of Licence

  • Robust yet flexible regulatory environment
  • Professional infrastructure and quality of workplace
  • Tax neutrality and Tax Exchange Agreements

The Valsen Advantage

  • End to end comprehensive service
  • Speedy and efficient service
  • Expert advice on structuring options
  • Dedicated ongoing compliance support
  • Extensive network pool of service providers


+248 252 5217