Guernsey International Insurance License

Key Features

Insurers in Guernsey can be licensed to write either general business (i.e. non-life) or long term business (i.e. life).  New composite insurers are no longer allowed except where the life/non-life insurance business is incidental in terms of premium income to the principal non-life/life insurance business being written by the licensed insurer, or where the licensed insurer is a protected cell or incorporated cell company.

Insurers licensed in Guernsey can be international insurers, which underwrite non-local insurance risks, or domestic insurers, which underwrite wholly, or primarily, Bailiwick of Guernsey insurance risks. International insurers can be classified into two types as follows:

  • Pure captive insurer – an insurer established for the sole purpose of insuring some or all of the risks of its parent
  • Commercial insurer – an insurer established for the primary purpose of participating in the traditional insurance or reinsurance market

The majority of the international insurers licensed in Guernsey are administered by licensed insurance managers who act as general representative to, and manage the day-to-day operations of, these licensed insurers.

Legal Requirements




  • Corporate  vehicle permitted

Guernsey company, Protected cell company (PCC), Incorporated cell company (ICC)

  • Local physical office required


Share capital or equivalent

·         Minimum paid up capital

GBP 100,000


  • Minimum number


  • Corporate directorship allowed


  • Local director required



  • Minimum number


  • Corporate shareholders allowed


  • Local  shareholders required


Service Providers Required

  • Company Secretary


Tax Treatment

There is no capital, value added or inheritance taxes in Guernsey, nor any stamp or document duties except in respect of Guernsey real property.

With the exception of certain businesses, companies (including funds) now pay a standard rate of 0% income tax on profits. Funds still have the option to apply for exempt company status (on payment of an annual fee of £600).

Duration to Set Up

3 months

Distinctive Benefits of Licence

  • Robust yet flexible regulatory environment
  • Professional infrastructure and quality of workplace
  • Tax neutrality and Tax Exchange Agreements

The Valsen Advantage

  • End to end comprehensive service
  • Speedy and efficient service
  • Expert advice on structuring options
  • Dedicated ongoing compliance support
  • Extensive network pool of service providers


+248 252 5217